Horizontal axial flow pump with spiral casing HT3600-5 |
Horizontal axial flow pump with spiral casing HT3600-5
HT3600-5 pump is a axial flow pump with spiral casing (without guide vane) made for the first time in Vietnam combining the axial flow impeller blade type with the casing which connects to the discharging pipe is spiral.
The main parameters of the pump: Capacity Q = 3600 m3 / h, Total head H = 5 m, motor power N = 75 kW, pump efficiency reaches 76%;

HT2500-3 pump is a kind of inclined axial flow pumps using 33kW motor suitable for the Mekong Delta;
The main parameters of the pump: Capacity Q = 2500 m3 / h, Total head H = 3 m, motor power N = 33 kW, pump efficiency reaches 75%;